written + directed by Taylor Toole
produced by Allyson McEvoy + Zorinah Juan
starring Aaron Barr, Saara Untracht-Oakner, Mike Keller + Cleo Berry
“Mow Crew: Martha’s Vindieyard” read The Boston Weekly Dig review
“Film Set, Cast and Shot On-Island Comes Home” read The Vineyard Gazette review
“Mow Crew: Harvesting Dreams” read The MV Times review
“Taylor Toole: On the Other Side of the Camera” read The MV Times article
“Cut! The Lawn: Auditioning Vineyard Style” read The MV Times article
“Cinema Paradise” read The Vineyard Gazette article
“Same Glow, New Home” read The Cincinnati CityBeat Preview
To request a DVD screener or soundtrack CD please email: taylortoole@gmail.com